Celebrations to the start of the new Financial Year

Celebrations to the start of the new Financial Year

Event planning company - Global Nexus

The financial year is over and the new one welcomes all with widespread arms. Hope all of you had a good year end closing whether you own a firm or work for one. The accomplishments of targets and achievement of objectives gives everyone a real high, right? After all the tremendous work pressure for all it’s time to bask in the glory of success and party high. Let the hard work you put in all year to see your firm reach a new horizon, far past from where it stood last year, be rewarded. It’s time to celebrate teamwork, hard work, fellowship and collaboration. And when you think of partying, think of us. For the incredible work, you deserve an incredible partying scheme; and who can understand it better than us. Leave all the hassles of the party to the event management company and you prepare yourself to unwind in the most relaxed but glamorous way.

Constant recognition and genuine thanks goes a very long way. So if you are thinking of putting off the idea to celebrate success, think otherwise. It is not just a day to eat, drink and be merry. It is a time to invest in future possibilities by rewarding the team for their endeavour. A little word of praise instils in desire to put in greater efforts in future. Who doesn’t like a personal word of applause? The year end celebration marks the success of last years and builds a platform for success to continue in future years. After all someone has truly said that “Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the ME for We.” When you listen to speeches of acknowledgement by great leaders, they always refer to as ‘We’ or ‘Our’ rather than ‘Me’ or ‘mine’. You need to walk together as a team rather than a successful individual for constant pace of success. In order to celebrate success, let the team have a joint recognition of all arenas of success. It is the ownership of responsibilities that make the company and its people reach new heights. Celebration is so, so very important.

The party day is a time for personal bonding as well. All inhibitions at work area are shed when people sit together and speak of the pros and cons of their assigned work. It is a time for leaders to identify where and how the team can be further motivated to achieve greater results. It is important to harness the talent of people and utilize it towards attaining the end results. A time to unwind from the stress is thus important to plunge in with renewed zeal and vigour.

Year end parties can be planned to a getaway destination with family if the budget permits. Inclusion of spouses in celebration brings in a personal touch and sends messages to the employees of being a greater part of the firm than they thought. It is a little way to thank the spouses for putting up with the employees’ late hours of working during the year end. Mary Kay Ash puts it as “We treat our people like royalty. If you honour and serve the people who work for you, they will honour and serve you.’ It is a circle of importance. When the company gives importance to the employee, they give it back manifold times.

Even if a getaway looks farfetched, one may opt for a party in the town itself. It is the way of celebration that matters most. It is good to make a ritual of the sunrise, of new beginnings of desire to achieve newer heights. Celebrations represents striving to constantly better oneself, never give up despite odds and put in a commitment to designated work. Celebration is an embodiment of all of this and more. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. In newer ideas of celebration and perfect ways to execute your plans of celebrations all you have to do is reach out to us. At Global Nexus – Top 10 event management company in Delhi – we would love the opportunity to plan your celebrations.

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