Cash is king in India 78% of transactions here is done by cash and in this period when whole country is surfing from cashless economy many businesses are being effected including event sector still there are some precious events that can never be negotiated on the cost of whatever goes on in the economy, yes we are talking about wedding events; as we all know events like this involves huge money spent on various things straight from decoration to catering, lighting ,tenting ,DJ’s and lot more which might increase the cash outflow, but unfortunately no wedding event can be right without all these elements. Now in such drastic economic situation there is a solution to this systemic problem which I discovered while surfing through the internet and I decided to share it with you people, DIY trends are taking over internet these days finally I found one dealing with wedding decor DIY ideas and I couldn’t resist to share it with you all so get ready to learn some amazing ideas for your wedding function nearby That can at least decrease the cost of expensive decorative stuff.
By: Divya Singh