Digital Marketing: Surviving through the pandemic

Digital Marketing: Surviving through the pandemic

Corona virus has impacted all the businesses and hit the market down. Companies are trying to
manage budget and cost-cutting is the lifesaver for them to get through this pandemic. With low
transactions and little exchange of services, the brands are finding different ways to keep
themselves alive.

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet.
Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites
to connect with current and prospective customers. (Via Hubspot)


With a rise in the number of internet users and smartphones making it much easier to go online, the
public is much more available in such virtual areas. The traditional ways existing in print are not only
using resources but also not considered an option due to social distancing in recent days.

Digital marketing has a variety of ways to showcase your company, deliver the message, and also
reach a bigger audience base. It is not limited to the number of prints sent out or people who
invested their time in going through the thing. This way of marketing is more engaging, sustainable,
and has a wide scope of audience attraction.

Modern dynamic creative technology enables creative content to be automatically versioned in
multiple languages, product packaging, etc. without having to manually create and pay for each ad
creative. Special offers and pricing can also be dynamically changed without having to spend millions
of dollars on production fees.

With everything going online, people rely on the internet to understand and know more about your
company and they must be served.


Marketing has many branches for you to explore. Reaching out customers can be done through
different channels and even multiple channels at the same time.


Email marketing is no more about writing your message as an email with a format that we all have
been learning since our school time and expect to get a response in return. In this fast-moving world,
consumers look for easy accessibility.

Your content must be eye-catching, short, and described to perfection and of course, much be
available easily. Graphic brochures and short animations are a great way of doing that. More
pictorial representation and less text with precise points are the basic description of a great mail and
throwing in a witty opener is a bonus.

Remember to use the right keywords to get to the inbox, because there is always a chance of getting
kicked in the spam folder if your message has the obviously ‘not- important’ phrases.


Blogs and writeups are quite a trend on the internet nowadays. People make things easy to
understand and help others in need just by writing a document and posting it online.

Many applications and software have limited their word count and downsized the format of the blog
to minute count rather than word count. You must have seen, famous blog sites mentioning ‘5 min
read’ beside their blog’s link. Now, this attracts the audience as it gives some information they need,
that too in a short and faster manner.


Every website has a dialogue box for you waiting in the corner, to be given attention to. This type of
advertisement is helpful as it reaches the actual target audience and is also cost-effective.

The advertising works quite the same way as others, simple, short, and eye-catching. A very
interesting fact about raising your company’s profile online is it allows you to grow irrespective of
your size; it is all about your work input, creativity, and potential that one must-have.

Google Marketing has shared Five Principles that guided their digital
campaign in the wake of COVID-19:

1: Context is always the key

Organizations need to understand the impact that a global pandemic has on its stakeholders and
how it has affected small businesses.
What organizations need is to balance out their game locally to retain the audience. As such, general
mandates are relayed from the head office, but the final decisions will be up to the local
management team.

Remember to stay in pace with what’s trending.

2: Regular reassessment

Serve to the changing consumer behaviour and changes in the market. Organizations must always be
on the lookout to reassess every possible marketing aspect of their brand from paid and owned
channels, such as video ads and even automated email messages.
Draft something which reflects upon recent headlines.

3: Creative necessities

With a boom in online content, organizations need to carefully evaluate their messaging – from the
tone, visual imagery, keywords, and media placements.
A little misunderstanding and unclarity on your part can lead to a negative brand image and take
down your ship.

Creativity with a sense of awareness is the need of the hour.

4: Know the priorities

The management team has a responsibility to take the helm and navigate the organization in times
of uncertainty.

Whether it’s for their employees or consumers, brands need to shift their digital marketing priorities
to improve the lives of their consumers while they are staying at home under quarantine.

5: Contribute and help at every opportunity

Organizations must keep in mind about social responsibility at such times. Take a look at the brand’s
digital assets and think of possible opportunities on how the brand can support advocacies, donate,
or even amplify information dissemination.

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