

Event organiser in Noida - Global Nexus

Entrepreneurs are some of the world’s most powerful transformers.Entrepreneurs see possibilities and solutions where the average person only sees annoyances and problems. The entrepreneur definition rarely ever talks about the enormous impact entrepreneurs have on the world. Understanding what an entrepreneur is can help more people recognize the value they contribute to the world.

Over the years that the entrepreneurial spirit can be summed up in two words: risk and change. It’s natural to fear these concepts in our personal and professional lives, sticking to the comfortable, secure and safe roads through life. But if you’re passionate about an idea, if you know you have the potential to change the world, you have to embrace them both to succeed, like they say “if you want to enjoy the rain then you have to deal with the mud!” The freedom to learn and pursue your business dreams has changed the literal face of entrepreneurship as well. Combined with easier, more cost-effective access to essential business technologies, a growing number of female and minority entrepreneurs are entering the business arena and finding great success.

ARISE foundation is a non-profit organisation initiated by a group of entrepreneurs with the aim of uplifting the undiscovered talent. There are many jobless Indians whose talents are lying dormant. We seek to motivate, train and assist people to improve the quality of their life through entrepreneurship. In particular, we give people a chance to showcase their skill and earn their livelihood while giving a boost to the rural areas. ARISE works towards the empowerment of the discouraged and undiscovered talent. They are given a chance to develop and enhance their lifestyle. We provide them a framework to get organised and start on the road to being independent. We dream of a future where every Indian is an entrepreneur and living with dignity. To this end, we offer vocational, life skills and training programmes with an emphasis on their mind-set and behavior change. We seek to empower those from socially and economically marginalized sections by enabling them to become entrepreneur in a dynamic market. Our core activities are aimed at engaging various stakeholders to impact communities by orienting them to value and respect skills. Each of our programmes is geared towards developing empowerment. We address the need of more entrepreneurs in the current market. We work with the young, disadvantaged youth and give them the resources they lack. For us the encouragement of the demotivated and underprivileged matters the most.

We train people in their interests and help them prosper through their own ventures. We provide them with a platform to come forward and seek help and contribute in mutual growth. We work in different communities with various programmes for the development of the society.

We provide tools for self-sustenance in different communities with the hope to provide them with an opportunity with which they can pull through the spiral of systematic oppression. We are primarily developing our self-help and youth empowerment programmes. Our main function is to provide the underprivileged with good scope of employment and consequently applying a check on migration. We also help in the growth and promotion of Artistic talents. We give them a source of employment generation, income generation and development. Rural areas have mostly micro in structure, thus have a small gestation period. With proper tools, we seek to address the social challenges in a faster, smarter and more impactful way.

We will help them to have a gainful employment without the need to move to the big cities. Starting with rural communities we aim at minimizing the growing rate of unemployment and help the underprivileged to move forward and start their lives. We invest in risk and our approach is to let the creative mind design new ideas and services.

We hope to work with this new entrepreneur era where the definition of “work” is something you love. It’s not too late to start. Entrepreneurship is the new game changer in this world and we believe it will be a reckoning force of the world economy in coming years.

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