Methods to Engage Employees in an Organization

Methods to Engage Employees in an Organization

Various polls showing the percentage of disinterested employees indicate that leaders are having
trouble finding ways to stimulate engagement with today’s employees – a workforce that is much
more diverse and diverse than ever before.

Leadership is more about using the full potential of employees in this way, they will automatically
get the work done which otherwise becomes a slower process if not handles properly. Innovation
and development are in focus more now, which comes with a new perspective and unique mindset.
The growth of such thinking comes with interest and dedication. The first step in this cycle would be
to make employees comfortable with the working area and engage them in the current work going on.


It’s easy to see that new employees may be feeling bewildered, overwhelmed, and alone if not given
the right guidance. Moreover, employees who feel this way are unlikely to feel loyal to the company.
Communicate with them; introduce to them some of the people around who might be helpful to
them in their early period.


Try to make initial training short and sweet while still giving new employees all of the primary
information they need, do that. Obviously, training will extend to weeks, months, and years to come
on the job, but initial onboarding is meant to familiarize the person with the company and give them
any information they need to know. Start with the basics.


They may not know what specific strategies are in place to drive business growth. Educate new hires
on the company’s business strategies. Focus on how their unique role and skills will help the
company achieve those goals. Keep them updated over any new initiatives and progress made to
encourage productivity.


Today’s new hires want a sense of community. Encourage it by involving employee mentors.
Mentors provide low-pressure access to the “inside scoop” for everything from, “Where can I get a
pen?” to “Where is the cafeteria?” to “What does this acronym mean?”. Better yet, a mentorship
program tells new employees that you care about your people in general and about them in
particular. You can also employ bonding exercises.


Introduce the numbers that they are running as company growth. Don’t make it an individual score;
the competition must be healthy between co-workers and not to be introduced by the leader. A
regular activity like Scavenger hunt in teams is quite effective in building workplace relations. Such
activities for newly employed not only help them bond in teams but also helps them in getting
familiar with different parts of the companies and interact with existing employees for help, hence
enhancing communication.


For an employee to be engaged, they are motivated to work hard towards a common goal that is in
line with the company’s vision. They will be committed to the values their organization represents.
Engaged employees will have a clear view and understanding of the objectives of the work they are
doing. To achieve this, establish a clear link between the employee’s work and the company’s goals.


Tell them all that each one of them is worth a lot and contributes to each and every achievement of
the department as a whole. Plan out small targets for individuals and appreciate even small
milestones reached by your employees. Inculcate the habit of gestures around the workplace to
create a work-positive environment.


Leaders need to let go and guide their employees to mature within new and expansive roles and
responsibilities. Employees want to feel valued and challenged; they want to be trusted and given
the freedom to explore and learn within the job.

Taking calculated risks and having their back while they try taking over for new responsibilities
assigned, helps in unlocking newly found confidence.


Working hard towards company goals looks perfect in a parallel world. But if we talk about reality,
one really needs a motivating factor to complete assigned tasks with full potential. Bring out the
possibility of personal growth in the work they are assigned. Present the opportunities and
certification that they can avail to the company’s help.


A brown bag meeting or a casual outing with employees can be fun. Let them be comfortable out of
office space and gather ideas over conversations with an individual person. Get insights about your
teamwork and wellness. You may also present your ideas and plans and ask for suggestions to
improve them.

The bottom line is that leaders must continuously create new opportunities for their employees –
or their workforce will not be innovative enough. Take time to listen to their opinions and make
everyday work interesting.

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