Mr. Bhupendra Renjen Started Global Nexus To Help Corporates Manage Their Events Better

Mr. Bhupendra Renjen Started Global Nexus To Help Corporates Manage Their Events Better


Life is so uncertain it takes you where you never want to go or may be sometimes you always want to go. Only change is constant in nature and nothing is permanent in our life, even life is not permanent. In history we had seen many great people getting educated in different fields and working in different fields and actually want to do something else.

Many are never satisfied from their life and this is a genetic trait of an entrepreneur. According to one great thinker, being satisfied from life means you are dead. As per him, a person should be happy but never satisfied, he must be constantly working hard to achieve more and better.

It is said less is more but in business and entrepreneurship field more is less, the more you achieve, the less you are satisfied and always want to achieve more.

We had seen several examples of people like Palash Sen who is a doctor turned singer, Aditi Govitrikar a doctor turned model and a famous actor in bollywood. There are numerous examples of people around us who had been formally educated in some different field but went away from the normal crowd and worked hard to achieve their goals and did what they always wanted to do in their life. Such people have not only explored their potential in start-ups and business fields but have done remarkably well in their ventures.

They have not just earned well for themself, but also created numerous jobs for others, generated employment and have made a brand for themself as well as for their next generation and have set a milestone.

Today we are introducing one such entrepreneur who had been working in Indian Airforce and has also worked in corporates and MNC, had been a person with remarkable skills including business development, marketing, sales and project management and now heading a leading event management company in India with the name Global Nexus.

Lets meet Mr. Bhupendra Renjen and see how he has struggled with the society and ofcourse himself to stand where he is standing today and explore his business and startup journey in his own words.

1. What is the Name of Your Venture? Any specific reason for this name?

The name is Global Nexus and the specific reason was that we wanted to take it to global level. Going Global is a long process and is very time and money consuming; so we wanted to have a Nexus of Creative Partners all over the globe and hence the name Global Nexus.


2. Who is your target Audience/clients?

Corporates & Government Agencies.

3. Where is your venture based (city, state, country) & What are your geographical target areas?

We are based out of New Delhi, We started in Noida and we work on Pan India basis. We have also done some work in Nepal.

4. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?

We provide event management services. For corporates we provide end to end services like Event Blueprint, Budget, People & Program,Destination & Venue,Theme & Décor, Suppliers, Production Schedule, Corporate Event Videos, Corporate Events Websites, Anchoring, Theme Parties, Hotel Bookings. All that you can think of in event management, we do and handle it.

5. Share the idea or story behind the venture. How did it came to an existence? What motivated you to start your own venture?

I started little late, the idea was to use my project management skills. I was in the Indian Air Force for over 20 years and then was in International Business in corporates for over 15 years. I have taken part in lot of delegations and business events. I wanted to use my project management skills, marketing skills and administrative skills, so I thought to put all these together and start an event management company which uses the highest level of all these skills.

6. Who are your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?

Frankly there are large number of event management companies, But I do not compete against them. I always try to compete against ourself and try to do better than before. My sole motto is that my next event should be atleast 10 times better than my previous event.

7. How did you identify your co-founder? Tell us some thing about your co-founder/s

I do not have any co-founder as of now, but I do have a large dedicated team.

8. How did you hire your first team members? What skills Do you want in your employees/team?

The first team member were hired by me through my personal reference, I look for people who take the ownership of Global Nexus, they not just work as employees but as owners of the company fulfilling all the responsibilities of an event, without passing it from department to department. Every employee of any event management company must have event management skills, marketing skills and customer relationship skills.

9. What expansion plans are you looking for the next 2 years, next 5 years?

Our expansion plans are two fold. Firstly, we are planning to move out of the country where we can partner with some company abroad so that we can do some major events abroad. Secondly, we are looking forward to starting the franchise model of and for our company.

10. Where do you want to see yourself in next 10 years?

We hope to be a global player in event management with a tag of an Indian company. I see lot of foreign companies spreading their wings in India but very few Indian companies reach International Markets, I want Global Nexus to be the one.

11. What are your goals over the next 1, 3, 6 and 12 months?

The immediate goal is to streamline financial, accounting process so as to we become an international class Company and are accepted by the international clients.

12. Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?

No, we have not raised any funding as of now. We are planning either to raise funds or to go public next year.

13. What were the problems you faced during the starting days and how did you resolve them?

The main problem our startup faced was to get good manpower and retain them, the second was to get good business. There are lot of companies in this segment which start a minimal staff and funds; if they have good contacts in the corporates.

14. What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges?

We were doing very well till 3-4 years of our starting and suddenly, one of our most trusted and senior most person of the company left us. One she left, we had lot of setbacks as I had left too much on her. I resolved this problem by delegating authority to the next line of managers/executives.

15. Are you married, single or in a relationship?

I am married.

16. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?

I like to spend time with my family, play sudoku, I like my evening walks and once or twice in a week to go to club and have a drink.

17. Whats your favorite food & holiday destination?

My favorite food is continental, I like to have non-veg food with less masala and spice and ofcourse south Indian food which I find very healthy. I have done a lot of traveling during my days in the Air Force as well as my job in corporates. I have done mountaineering, sailing, played squash, etc. I am basically an outdoor person.

18. Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?

Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, I am a big fan of his. He was one person, who brought India together. Similarly, I want to build a strong team of may be 20-30-50 people working together to make Global Nexus a Global Brand in Event Management Field.

19. What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?

Its basically the ownership; entrepreneur takes business as his own baby, where as the person who works, comes there, works to earn money and then leave. An entrepreneur never leaves.

20. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

I would be happy to do event management but I would like to be a great marketer, Marketing is what every business requires, if you are good in marketing, you can generate ample amount of business for your venture and can stand out.

21. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?

It takes lot of time and effort. You are have to be working 24/7, You do not have any set working hours when you are working for yourself. I have a very understanding wife, family and friends, who always stood by me, helped me a lot and never complaint about not giving them the time.

22. Anything, you would like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?

If you want to be an entrepreneur, you should be highly focused, targeted, well planned and must have risk taking capabilities. You must be hard working, ready to work 24by7 and should not be too demanding. You can not have have time for your family, hobbies and personal life.
23. Tell us something about your education & family background.

I was born in an upper middle class family, My father was highly educated. All my brothers and sisters had excellent education, they all are/were working in high profile jobs. I have a wife who is also well educated, she is an MA and B.Ed. I have a daughter and a son. They both are in USA working in IT field and doing well for themselves. After my schooling, I joined NDA and never gave up on my education, I value education, I did my bachelors, MBA and MSc.

24. What do you think is the biggest threat to the success of small businesses & Start-ups today?

The biggest threat is the owner himself. I know a few entrepreneurs who started their business, did excellent in the beginning but gradually started taking it easy and failed. In startups, every success is a new challenge and that you have to perform better one needs to be persistent. There is no scope of setback or relaxation mode.

25. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?

I do consider myself successful, I have been into this business for almsot 12 years and we are still going. I feel satisfied that I have created a large number of jobs and another satisfaction is that we had done events for India’s topmost dignitaries like President, Vice-President and Prime Minister of India. Further, we work work for a few top MNCs like Pepsico (Pepsico had been our client since 2007), BMS, Stryker, Maruti etc.

26.Please share complete name, address, phone number, email id & website of Your Business & Contact Person

Wg. Cdr. Bhupendra Renjen
Global Nexus
B-357A, New Ashok Nagar,
New Delhi-110096

Ph.Off: +91 1164645871
Mobile No. 9899966124
Email Id-

Originally Published at Inventiva

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