Online Exhibition

Online Exhibition

Everything comes with a little ‘E- ‘in the front nowadays. From moving towards technology and away from the evils of COVID-19 takeover, online transition is the only solution eft when it comes to interaction.

VR and AR could not look any more practical than this year and internet is just a blessing to our race after so many years since 1990, when it was first made publicly popular.


With vendors and producers finding virtual platforms and suitable settings for their exhibitions, the event industry has taken a big turn towards catering to their needs. They have made it like shopping, easy to go through interactive items on the web itself.

The event management behind online exhibition is all about helping the organizers reduce event cost, cut down on space and increase reachability by bringing the exhibition live for audience to register for and participate in.

In today’s world, technology and development have made it possible for us to actually create a real-time experience for the attendees to join an exhibition in the comfort and safety of their home, basically bringing an exhibition center to you.

There are many examples online to help you get the idea from, how it is going to look like.

Google has been working with museums to populate its Google Cultural Institute, an online collection of virtual exhibitions from around the world. It’s opening up that project to anyone who wants to create an online exhibit can do so, from independent museums to individual artists. Google’s Open Gallery tool makes it possible, letting anyone upload videos, images and Street View content, and then combining that with text to publish an interactive guided tour through a collection of cultural artefacts.

UMA – Universal Museum of Art is an online-only museum which launched 2017. It has the ambition to work universal in virtual reality and is based on two principles: accessibility and innovation. UMA is offering exhibitions through the world art history.

Many online exhibitions have VR gear support to help you use your gear and be in the actual area of the exhibition.
With an actual schematic view of a physical space for users to navigate through in-person virtually, there is not much difference as the attendees get to interact with objects and surrounding.


It’s a social simulation set-up for people, maybe people can choose a character and be present at the exhibition, free to look around and socialize with people.

Particular info card over other people present to attend the event and separate chatbox and discussion rooms are some common features that are offered by various platforms to increase networking-based activities.

Various services like break-room and assistance bells are some simple features which can help you resolve any conflict or technical problem being faced by the attendees.

Personalized guide videos and audios help people go through different elements with different pace. Such videos can be paused and rewind, as much time as desired.

Many organisers adapt to online games and group activities to help people to get familiarised with the space and interact with others in the crowd. One way is through team play treasure hunt which makes them discover facts and information through the interesting screen play.

Documentaries and short films giving relevant information can be made live for people to watch in one room while also give them options to skip and go through other available options.


Online exhibition organizers use techniques such as marquee text, display advertisements, and in-event emails to engage patrons and invite a larger crowd.

The art of connecting through ethos and retentivity of desirable channel of attendees is also very important throughout the whole process. With personalised emails and enabling subscription for visitors, not only do we make an impression but also sends the message of a bond created over a common subject and the need for that field to evolve.

From sponsorship to financing, such personalities which tie-up with your organisation can really be helpful.
Such platforms help you reduce human resources to pre-planning period, with an extensive design options and low venue bills. Easy to track visitor’s list with essential information and on-time updates about the nature of the event with privacy and cloud service for database management actually is an ultimate package for planners.

Even the after-event procedures become quite simple, the analysis and ROI with the digitally crunched numbers.
From natural history museums to art museums, all are chasing the online website trail to catch the attention of their audience.

Such online exhibitions not only portray the history and information that we can collect, but also help bring significant changes through sewing together an open-for-all global community who favours the cause or respects the heritage and culture that it signifies.

Tucson LGBTQ Museum is an online-only museum that does not have a physical building and instead offers online exhibitions about LGBTQ history. The online photographic, audio, video, text, and other historical exhibitions include exhibits from the 1700s to the present day. The effort began in the summer of 1967 and spanned almost 50 years.

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