The Endless paths to an Engaging event

The Endless paths to an Engaging event

The creativity and imagination are two words that carry endless along with them.

The event planning is a very crucial process. From the venue to theme to engagement campaigns, it all revolves around what people want. Let’s see how can we attract the eyes of the sweetest.

A revamped way of event can be by any means. Through marketing campaigns or through new ways of conducting various activities during the event or even by getting back to attendees after the event.

The DÉCOR takes up the main part of conveying the event of the whole event. Professional meets minimalist while Casual meets Fun and Royal meets chic.

• Large keywords, letters sculptures and use of similar catchphrase makes people remember.
Social media engagement is quite important. This helps people post about the event helping in attraction of more audience and spectators. Also, they offer as a good photo ap!

• Coffee talks and short extempore on a casual evening can be made a part of a formal meeting. Make professional a little casual to let people adjust and feel comfortable enough to form an environment for socializing.

• Connections and expansion of reach in corporate world is as important to your attendees as it is to you. Show off your social media handles and put up the hashtag for the event for people to use that. Look forward to creating trends that reach people and backtrack to your organisation.

The “Coachella for Geeks”, annual Collision tech conference is not only trending as a tech arena but the gathering with a perfect gender ratio and hence is promoting women in tech due to such stats.

PRESENTATION of the main idea behind the event is very important.

• Expand your branches by including people from different industries and linking the main stream to them and showing the importance of the very same thing.

The same goes for the line up of activities. A company’s rebranding can go to formation of new department. The whole consideration must go into making it all not so boring but fun, engaging and informative.

• Challenges within the people working together generates the energy level of top level. Activities like scavenger hunt for business clues which include people going around the area is a very good alternative to a boring fest tour.

The Staples Sales Conference used a fun, competitive challenge to educate—and reassure—employees after a company restructuring. It attracted a total audience of around 5000, 4000 present physically and 1000 remotely.

INNOVATE around your plan. Sketch a very basic idea of the event, just like any other basic one would be, then make new changes around selected areas.

• Even a tech event can have concerts and even cultural fests can have tech workshops. It’s all about what’s trending among the people.

Try making people familiar with the event and let them become comfortable in the zone.

• Promote group activities to help people work together and know each other. Take suggestions, run an innovation drive to let people think creatively and build a healthy competition spirit.

Google I/O developer conference is everything more than just a code fest. It celebrates the community of developers in fest-style. They portrayed the beautiful dimension that comes forward when technology and culture intertwine. Magic shows, tattoo studios and snack shacks are probably the last thing that come to your mind when talking of such an event. Well, think differently then because apparently now this is how we code.

A CAUSE can go a long way. From more audience to grabbing larger media attention, if successful, it can get you more or less everything you want.

• Invitation to key note speakers and mentors to address an audience on a moral subject gets to most of the people. Seeking support from well recognised organisations becomes easier and the audience sect become bigger.
• From motivational coffee cups to cause-related merchandise stalls are all a creative approach to let people remember the great time that they had.
• Follow-up with people for coming together for similar events that you organise. The base audience for such events is quite similar and hence basic number of attendees gets assured for future.

Organisers atsixth annual Emerge Americas executed their new layout by placing start-up booths at the center of the floor, then crisscrossed the venue with large-scale, digital activations and hence kept it both as a conference and trade show.

Be UNIQUE to spark that love at first sight.

• Adapt ideas that are focus on small details to avoid taking a big risk. Let the basic format be same but with a twist. ID cards with ‘What I inspire to be’ or just LinkedIn QR codes rather the same old name and contact is what helps people start a talk.
• Rather than a big LED screen with names and lines that are easily ignored by all, try putting up pie charts and big numbers.
• Welcoming innovators and new ideas are very important and helps in further development of methods and organisational activities.
• Open mics and outdoor group talk and boardroom simulation are all a very innovative ways of verbal communication.
• Digital Graffiti and the impractical ideation wall help add the features which actually show people engaging, thinking and expressing their views in any aspect

IBM’s annual conference IBM THINK used their own technology to grow interaction between people and were live on 26 different channels. The A.I moment during question answer round between supercomputer and human that concluded after a long fruitful debate became a memorable site.

The world is full of endless possibilities, different is just another word. Putting together something that would provoke people to think again and let the mind bring forth ideas different from others is the concept that one must follow.

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