The pandemic has a huge impact on all industries and markets across the globe. Due to zero movement and lockdown, very little can be done through online resources because the clients are unable to redeem services provided by different companies. Through this period as the...
The market is evolving through this difficult time and the companies are taking new shapes alongside. The pandemic has affected the corporates and employees on a huge scale and indeed has created massive difficulties throughout the transition from working hours to working from home situation....
Risk management is the act of reducing or eliminating risks associated with involvement in any event. For event planners, risk can run the gamut from less serious to catastrophic: Equipment or power failure. One can’t control such risks but can very well take preventive measures...
The definition of ‘disaster’ is many and as an event planner you will certainly prefer to stay away from any kind of it. Anything which harms your brand and affects your event negatively is a disaster to you and what we learn about disasters is...
Various polls showing the percentage of disinterested employees indicate that leaders are having trouble finding ways to stimulate engagement with today’s employees – a workforce that is much more diverse and diverse than ever before. Leadership is more about using the full potential of employees...
Corona virus has impacted all the businesses and hit the market down. Companies are trying to manage budget and cost-cutting is the lifesaver for them to get through this pandemic. With low transactions and little exchange of services, the brands are finding different ways to...
Even minor problems and mishaps here and there can be enough to sabotage your event to ground. Well, even the thought of such a situation may sound haunting as an organiser but we all must agree that whatever the event maybe, it never goes perfectly...
Maintaining a balance between oneself and the environment is necessary for every human. In the rush of moving forward with our life, we often neglect the importance of our own well-being. Yoga is a tool to unlock the treasures of inner peace and a sweet...
A very important aspect of the corporate world is its connecting with new people in different fields from the industry. With digitalization, talking to people and starting the conversation’s essential is no more a physical interaction but just a smart device and social presence. This...
The stretch of shutdown has been a big rundown on the events industry. As the people around the globe sit inside waiting for all this to end, organizations are exhausted of delaying the pending items on their agenda and don’t want the essential work to...